This week Bart and I made some progress towards our major project. As he put it, “she has the know-how, and I have the students”. While he also has the capacity to teach it, it can be a nice reprieve to have someone else come in and talk to your students, you never know who might engage!
I kept my lesson simple, as I wanted to engage students into leading their own discussion and come to their own conclusions about digital citizenship. My (short) plan for the minilesson was as follows:
Digital Literacy – Flipgrid Lesson
Building Background Knowledge
-Display question on board: “Why might we make a video for something instead of writing it out as a blog, article, post etc.?”. Discuss as a class, guiding them towards thinking about the purpose of choosing an appropriate format
-Show slide of “Canceled” celebrities. Discuss: did they deserve to be canceled? Why?
-Define digital citizenship
-Jamboard: What makes a good video? What makes a good comment?
-Look at comments on slide- are these good comments, why or why not?
-Review Jamboard- anything to add after we looked at some examples?
-Flipgrid tutorial
-Create own Flipgrid video with your reflections on digital citizenship and how it applies to you.
-Respond to at least 3 others student (moderated comments to be approved by teacher)
Discussed tweets and what makes them problematic, as well as how they “age”
We questioned if apologies are enough. In this case she had to make an apology for her apology video
we looked at if our data was really private by thinking about the users on each platform
Slides from the Google Slides Presentation I shared with students
Overall students were engaged, and made good connections during the discussions. Head over to see Bart who will share the Flipgrid results on his blog!
Happy Teaching,
This is a good starting lesson! It actually made me consider my own process – we are going to be working on some videos for a project, but this made me realize it would be valuable to add an extra step and talk a bit more specifically about digital citizenship before jumping into video creation. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Leah, It is nice to see your process and progress. I have been teaching some lessons as well. It is going well, and I need to actively guide the content to really ground this new knowledge. Thanks for sharing your ideas! I find Common Sense Education very helpful as I delve into the lessons with the students. I plan to teach some middle years students tomorrow. Good Luck!
So neat! I love how you two are working together to create something pretty great. I also like how both of you bring different skills sets to the project. I love how you are able to team teach in real life too! That seems so foreign to me now, but it is something that I miss greatly. I am looking forward to seeing more of your final project!